In Memoriam

This page is dedicated and devoted to PNW folk who have passed on. Our intent is a lasting tribute to them and to their work.

Kearney Barton 1931 – 2012
Kearney was a NW recording veteran, his career spanning from the 1950s well into the 2000s. He recorded hundreds of PNW groups during that time, charting several hits in the process.

Terry W. Denbrook 1944 – 2011
Terry was a broadcast pioneer in the PNW, as well as one of the founding members of the AES PNW Section. He was chief engineer at KUOW, a position he held for 35 years.

Frank Laico 1918 – 2013
Frank was a recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest. Originally from New York City, his career spanned the time from World War 2 to the current century. He is probably the only engineer who can claim the sobriquet of recording on wax to recording digitally. He spent 36-years as a staff engineer for Columbia Records at their famed 30th street studio. Frank was eager and willing to share his experience with our section.

Al Swanson 1948 – 2012
Al was a founding member of the PNW section, and served the section as Section Chair, Vice Chair, and committeeman. He was a lifetime location recordist and a strong proponent of minimalist microphone technique. He was always at the cutting edge of the technology.

Glenn White 1933 – 2014
Glenn served our Section as Vice Chair in 1981-1982, and prior to that as a member of the Section Committee. But Glenn has a long and storied history in Audio, which included work at Boeing in their environmental test lab, at Seattle Center as their first sound engineer, at the University of WA, with Bruel & Kjaer, and with DLI Engineering on Bainbridge Island. He is the author of The Audio Dictionary.

In 1965, Glenn designed and built (with Ken Heidt) Kearney Barton’s Langevin mixing console that was installed in his studio on 5th Avenue and later moved to his home studio. Glenn also designed the acoustics of that room as well as the three live echo chambers.

Glenn was a lifetime location recordist, and an early adopter of Nagra recorders for field work. As far as those who hung their hats at Seattle Center or at the University of Washington, those people would likely agree that Glenn led the way with 2-microphone, spaced-omni technique.