How do I find out about meetings?

Meetings are announced via our website, and email meeting notices. We no longer use USPS mail.

The email list consists of member names that we get from AES HQ plus any names we receive via the sign-in sheet at our meetings. We strive for two weeks advance notice, but like meetings themselves, this can be thwarted. You have yourself added to this list simply by using this LINK

You stay on the list until you request otherwise. The email list is open to all, member or not. We only use the email list to send meeting notices and occasional special event notices. You can also be dropped from the email list if email sent to you bounces.

How often do you hold meetings?

We strive for monthly meetings, but often our best efforts are thwarted; in which case there is no meeting. Sometimes our best efforts are rewarded and we may hold two meetings in a single month. We try to avoid having a meeting in December. We don’t (usually) hold meetings during the summer.

Who can attend your meetings?

Anyone with an interest in audio engineering can attend our meetings. You do not need to be an AES member to attend the local meetings. Meetings are free of charge, member or not. Occasionally we may charge for special events.

When do you hold meetings?

Because of our location, the NW corner of the continental United States, the availability of speakers is more often dictated by their schedules rather than ours. Experience has taught us that being flexible on meeting dates means being able to have more meetings actually come to fruition. Thus, there is no set date for section activities.

Who decides the meetings?

The Section Committee, along with the Section Officers, decides the meeting content, plans the meeting, and makes the arrangements.

Where do meeting ideas come from?

90% of the meetings we hold come from our own ideas, ideas from people like you, and people that we meet in the course of our daily work interactions.

I’ve got a meeting idea. What should I do?

You may have some ideas and some contacts that would be ideal for an AES meeting. Please don’t be shy. We welcome your involvement and suggestions. Sometimes a simple email to one of the Section Officers with a name, email address, and possible topic is enough to create a great meeting.  We are always interested in new meeting ideas.