Viewing the AES Oral History Recordings

  1. You need to be a member of any grade.
  2. Login via the Member Portal at
  3. Click on the Education/Career tab and then select AES Live: Videos
  4. Scroll down and click Historical
  5. Now click Browse All and then click the Tag filter and scroll down to
  6. Oral History and finally, click the tag
  7. Filter Results.
  8. Ok to breathe now.

Now you’ll see the 116 videos that the AES has chosen to host online. They range from about 18 minutes to 2 hours or so.


Easy, huh? This is actually the only place you can see that sequence of actions to get that result. Dan was not involved in that construction.


This link takes you directly to the location described in the above process: AES Historical Committee Oral History Interviews.


The step by step process is useful as it leads you through the maze of content, allowing you to see what else is there.