Old Problems, New Solutions:
Architectural Acoustics in Flux, Redux

Presented by

Ron Sauro
NWAA Labs, Elma, WA USA

PDF File of Zo

om Meeting Chat (edited) 
Video recording of Zoom Session

Video Hosting Courtesy Dan Mortensen and DanSound Inc.

Photos by Gary Louie, PNW AES Secretary.



PNW capped its season with its annual business meeting (elections), followed by a presentation on acoustic testing and materials by Ron Sauro of NWAA Labs of Elma, WA, USA.


Section elections were conducted by Committee member James D. (jj) Johnston, after determining that a quorum was present, considering both those in-person and on Zoom. With no new nominations or objections, the slate and Bylaws amendments were approved by acclamation. The 2023-2024 PNW officers will be:

  • Chair: Dan Mortensen
  • Vice-Chair: Bob Smith
  • Secretary: Gary Louie
  • Treasurer: Lawrence Schwedler


New Committee (2 year terms):

  • Jess Berg
  • Micah Hayes
  • Erin Shellman
  • Matthew Sutton
  • Jayney Wallick


The new Bylaws document is available here 


Ron Sauro then gave his presentation on Architectural Acoustics in Flux (redux), meaning this was an update to his presentation given to the PNW Section several years ago. Ron runs NWAA Labs, an acoustic test facility specializing in the testing of speakers and acoustic products such as doors, windows, and treatment products and materials. His facility is built in the massive spaces of a never-completed nuclear power plant.


About Our Presenter:
Ron Sauro is the owner and president of NWAA Labs, Inc, in Elma WA. NWAA is engaged in

  • Measuring the directivity, sound levels, etc. of speakers, utilizing standard and experimental algorithms
  • Extensive experience in acoustic directivity – measuring with a microphone array originally designed while at NASA Ames Research (see below)
  • Testing according to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), International Standardization Organization (ISO), Audio Engineering Society (AES), etc. acoustic test standards, such as ASTM C423, ISO 354, ASTM E90, AES156
  • Responsible for reviewing, modifying and enforcing these standards by serving on and chairing the ASTM, ISO, AES, etc. standards committees
  • Performing research in order to improve testing methodologies
  • Have developed and continue to develop new standards for the acoustics industry
  • Discovering reasons behind and resolutions to long-standing problems in acoustic testing and usage. For example, the way an “edge effect” can alter test results, and a simple method to solve it
  • Presenting papers, writing articles for industry conferences, such as the Acoustic Society of America (ASA), the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), and AES meetings
  • Developing and testing a vast range of noise elimination treatments
  • Providing consultation to clients on possible improvements of their products


Prior to founding NWAA Labs, Ron was the owner of Northwest Audio and Acoustics, in Tacoma where he worked in the design, oversight, installation and implementations of new acoustic spaces and sound systems, and modifications of existing spaces in order to enhance acoustic room characteristics, such as speech intelligibility, musical performance, etc. He was part of the development team for EASE (Electro Acoustic Simulation for Engineers), a software package widely regarded as one of the most complete and accurate acoustic design simulation programs in the industry. He originated classes on using EASE, along with EARS, the audible room simulation part of EASE, designed and developed simulators for US fighter jets and the Space Shuttle. Other projects include: Benaroya Hall, Yoida Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, Carnegie Hall, Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Bremerton Naval Shipyard, among many others.


In 1968, while working for, NASA Ames Research Center, he attended a NASA-sponsored intensive Sciences and Mathematics studies program, (taught by Stanford professors, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, for full year) resulting in Stanford-equivalent degrees in Physics and Electronics Engineering.


Just in case you were wondering:

  • ASA – Acoustical Society of America
  • INCE – Institute of Noise Control Engineering
  • AES – Audio Engineering Society
  • CEDIA – Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association. (a trade show)
  • NWAA – Northwest Audio and Acoustics Labs


Reported by Gary Louie, PNW Secretary.